Classic Seuss
5 total works
The four Dr. Seuss picture books in this giftable boxed set celebrate individuality, environmentalism, kindness, and acceptance—and are among the most beloved children's books ever written! (Plus the new matte finish on the book covers makes them giftier than ever!)
An ideal choice for holidays, birthdays, and happy...Read more
An ideal choice for holidays, birthdays, and happy...Read more
The four Dr. Seuss picture books in this giftable boxed set celebrate individuality, environmentalism, kindness, and acceptance—and are among the most beloved children's books ever written! (Plus the new matte finish on the book covers makes them giftier than ever!)
An ideal choice for holidays, birthdays, and happy occasions of all kinds, the four titles in this super-sturdy, reinforced slip-case are essential additions for any young person's library.
The books in this set include:
Happy Birthday to You!
Celebrate your unique self with Dr. Seuss and the Great Birthday Bird in the ultimate birthday book!
The Lorax
Celebrate Earth Day with Dr. Seuss and the Lorax in this classic picture book about sustainability and protecting the environment!
Horton Hears a Who!
Choose kindness with Horton the elephant and the Whos of Who-ville in this Dr. Seuss classic picture book about caring for others!
The Sneetches and Other Stories
Embrace diversity with Dr. Seuss and the Sneetches in this collection of stories about acceptance!
Introduce these classics to a young child, or give the box to a whole family. They'll be cherished by young and old alike!
An ideal choice for holidays, birthdays, and happy occasions of all kinds, the four titles in this super-sturdy, reinforced slip-case are essential additions for any young person's library.
The books in this set include:
Happy Birthday to You!
Celebrate your unique self with Dr. Seuss and the Great Birthday Bird in the ultimate birthday book!
The Lorax
Celebrate Earth Day with Dr. Seuss and the Lorax in this classic picture book about sustainability and protecting the environment!
Horton Hears a Who!
Choose kindness with Horton the elephant and the Whos of Who-ville in this Dr. Seuss classic picture book about caring for others!
The Sneetches and Other Stories
Embrace diversity with Dr. Seuss and the Sneetches in this collection of stories about acceptance!
Introduce these classics to a young child, or give the box to a whole family. They'll be cherished by young and old alike!
La rencilla de la mantequilla (The Butter Battle Book Spanish Edition)
by Dr. Seuss
Published 4 January 2022
¡Una edición en rima y en español del clásico y oportuno libro de Dr. Seuss sobre el respeto a las diferencias!
La rencilla de la mantequilla, el clásico cuento con moraleja de Dr. Seuss, presenta a los lectores la importante lección de respetar las diferencias. Los Yukos y...Read more
La rencilla de la mantequilla, el clásico cuento con moraleja de Dr. Seuss, presenta a los lectores la importante lección de respetar las diferencias. Los Yukos y...Read more
¡Una edición en rima y en español del clásico y oportuno libro de Dr. Seuss sobre el respeto a las diferencias!
La rencilla de la mantequilla, el clásico cuento con moraleja de Dr. Seuss, presenta a los lectores la importante lección de respetar las diferencias. Los Yukos y Zukos comparten el amor por el pan con mantequilla, pero la animosidad se genera entre los dos grupos porque prefieren disfrutar del sabroso manjar de manera diferente. El texto en rima, válido para todas las épocas, es una forma ideal de enseñarles a los niños pequeños acerca de la tolerancia y el respeto. Ya sea en el hogar o en el salón de clases, La rencilla de la mantequilla es imprescindible para los lectores de todas las edades.
Las ediciones en rima y en español de los libros clásicos de Dr. Seuss de Random House hacen que la alegre experiencia de leer los libros del Dr. Seuss esté disponible para los más de 41 millones de personas en los Estados Unidos que hablan español. Los lectores pueden disfrutar de más de 30 títulos clásicos de Dr. Seuss, que incluyen: The Cat in the Hat (El Gato Ensombrerado); Green Eggs and Ham (Huevos verdes con jamón); One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish (Un pez dos peces pez rojo pez azul); The Lorax (El Lórax); Oh, the Places You'll Go! (¡Oh, cuán lejos llegarás!); How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (¡Cómo el Grinch robó la Navidad!); y Horton Hears a Who! (¡Horton escucha a Quién!). Ideales para su uso en el hogar y en el salón de clases, han sido cuidadosamente traducidos en rima por hispano-hablantes latinoamericanos.
A rhymed Spanish edition of Dr. Seuss's classic and timely book about respecting differences!
The Butter Battle Book, Dr. Seuss's classic cautionary tale, introduces readers to the important lesson of respecting differences. The Yooks and Zooks share a love of buttered bread, but animosity brews between the two groups because they prefer to enjoy the tasty treat differently. The timeless and topical rhyming text is an ideal way to teach young children about the issues of tolerance and respect. Whether in the home or in the classroom, The Butter Battle Book is a must-have for readers of all ages.
La rencilla de la mantequilla, el clásico cuento con moraleja de Dr. Seuss, presenta a los lectores la importante lección de respetar las diferencias. Los Yukos y Zukos comparten el amor por el pan con mantequilla, pero la animosidad se genera entre los dos grupos porque prefieren disfrutar del sabroso manjar de manera diferente. El texto en rima, válido para todas las épocas, es una forma ideal de enseñarles a los niños pequeños acerca de la tolerancia y el respeto. Ya sea en el hogar o en el salón de clases, La rencilla de la mantequilla es imprescindible para los lectores de todas las edades.
Las ediciones en rima y en español de los libros clásicos de Dr. Seuss de Random House hacen que la alegre experiencia de leer los libros del Dr. Seuss esté disponible para los más de 41 millones de personas en los Estados Unidos que hablan español. Los lectores pueden disfrutar de más de 30 títulos clásicos de Dr. Seuss, que incluyen: The Cat in the Hat (El Gato Ensombrerado); Green Eggs and Ham (Huevos verdes con jamón); One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish (Un pez dos peces pez rojo pez azul); The Lorax (El Lórax); Oh, the Places You'll Go! (¡Oh, cuán lejos llegarás!); How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (¡Cómo el Grinch robó la Navidad!); y Horton Hears a Who! (¡Horton escucha a Quién!). Ideales para su uso en el hogar y en el salón de clases, han sido cuidadosamente traducidos en rima por hispano-hablantes latinoamericanos.
A rhymed Spanish edition of Dr. Seuss's classic and timely book about respecting differences!
The Butter Battle Book, Dr. Seuss's classic cautionary tale, introduces readers to the important lesson of respecting differences. The Yooks and Zooks share a love of buttered bread, but animosity brews between the two groups because they prefer to enjoy the tasty treat differently. The timeless and topical rhyming text is an ideal way to teach young children about the issues of tolerance and respect. Whether in the home or in the classroom, The Butter Battle Book is a must-have for readers of all ages.
Find out how the Grinch stole and then lost Christmas in this boxed set of two Grinch picture books. This is the ULTIMATE Christmas gift for Dr. Seuss fans and the perfect way to start a child's library this holiday season!
Give a gift that will make a...Read more
Give a gift that will make a...Read more
Find out how the Grinch stole and then lost Christmas in this boxed set of two Grinch picture books. This is the ULTIMATE Christmas gift for Dr. Seuss fans and the perfect way to start a child's library this holiday season!
Give a gift that will make a lasting impression with this boxed set of two Grinch picture books—a Full Color Edition of the classic 1957 title, and the newly written sequel How the Grinch Lost Christmas! by Alastair Heim in which the Grinch tries to prove to the residents of Who-ville how much he has changed. Ideal for fans of the original classic—or children completely new to the Grinch—it's a gift that is sure to be cherished by the entire family and enjoyed year after year at Christmas.
Give a gift that will make a lasting impression with this boxed set of two Grinch picture books—a Full Color Edition of the classic 1957 title, and the newly written sequel How the Grinch Lost Christmas! by Alastair Heim in which the Grinch tries to prove to the residents of Who-ville how much he has changed. Ideal for fans of the original classic—or children completely new to the Grinch—it's a gift that is sure to be cherished by the entire family and enjoyed year after year at Christmas.
¡Cómo el Grinch se perdió la Navidad! (How the Grinch Lost Christmas Spanish Edition)
by Alastair Heim
Published 15 October 2024
El Grinch ESTÁ DE VUELTA y listo para demostrarles a los habitantes de Villa-Quién que ha cambiado. Esta entrañable saga, disponible ya con rimas en español, ha sido escrita e ilustrada al estilo del querido clásico navideño de Dr. Seuss, ¡Cómo el Grinch robó la Navidad!
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...Read more
El Grinch ESTÁ DE VUELTA y listo para demostrarles a los habitantes de Villa-Quién que ha cambiado. Esta entrañable saga, disponible ya con rimas en español, ha sido escrita e ilustrada al estilo del querido clásico navideño de Dr. Seuss, ¡Cómo el Grinch robó la Navidad!
The Grinch is BACK and ready to prove to the residents of Who-ville that he's changed. This heartwarming sequel--now available in rhyming Spanish--is written and illustrated in the style of Dr. Seuss's beloved holiday classic How the Grinch Stole Christmas!
Todo el año y con paciencia, el Grinch logró esperar
para celebrar la Navidad y a los Quiénes animar,
y mostrarles a los Quiénes que HABÍA LOGRADO CAMBIAR.
"¿Pero ahora CÓMO", pensó, "lo voy a demostrar?"
Ha pasado un año desde que el Grinch robó la Navidad de Villa-Quién. Ahora, ansioso por demostrar a los Quiénes que su corazón ha crecido y que le ENCANTAN los días festivos, el Grinch ideó un plan para ganarse la Corona de Navidad de Villa-Quién, creando el árbol navideño más grande y espectacular que los Quiénes hayan visto.
Pero cuando las cosas no salen como estaba planeado, el corazón del Grinch se vuelve gélido y amenaza con abandonar Villa-Quién para siempre... hasta que una pequeña y especial Quién le recuerda que la Navidad NO se trata de ganar.
¡Haz que tu corazón crezca tres veces MÁS con esta saga del atemporal libro ilustrado ¡Cómo el Grinch robó la Navidad!Ahora traducido en rima al español, ¡Cómo el Grinch perdió la Navidad! es el regalo perfecto tanto para hispanohablantes como para quienes aprenden español como segundo idioma.
The Grinch had been patiently waiting all year,
To celebrate Christmas and bring the Whos cheer,
And to show every Who he was DIFFERENT now.
“I’ve changed!” thought the Grinch,
“And I’ll prove it! But HOW?”
A year has passed since the Grinch stole Christmas from Who-ville. Now eager to prove to the Whos that his heart has grown to LOVE the holiday, the Grinch devises a plan to win Who-ville's Christmas Crown by making the largest, most spectacular Christmas tree the Whos have ever seen!
But when things don't go as planned, the Grinch's heart turns ice cold, and he threatens to leave Who-ville for good...until one small, special Who reminds him that Christmas is NOT about winning.
Grow your heart three sizes MORE with this sequel to the timeless picture book How the Grinch Stole Christmas! Now translated into rhyming Spanish, How the Grinch Lost Christmas! is the perfect gift for Spanish speakers and second language learners!
The Grinch is BACK and ready to prove to the residents of Who-ville that he's changed. This heartwarming sequel--now available in rhyming Spanish--is written and illustrated in the style of Dr. Seuss's beloved holiday classic How the Grinch Stole Christmas!
Todo el año y con paciencia, el Grinch logró esperar
para celebrar la Navidad y a los Quiénes animar,
y mostrarles a los Quiénes que HABÍA LOGRADO CAMBIAR.
"¿Pero ahora CÓMO", pensó, "lo voy a demostrar?"
Ha pasado un año desde que el Grinch robó la Navidad de Villa-Quién. Ahora, ansioso por demostrar a los Quiénes que su corazón ha crecido y que le ENCANTAN los días festivos, el Grinch ideó un plan para ganarse la Corona de Navidad de Villa-Quién, creando el árbol navideño más grande y espectacular que los Quiénes hayan visto.
Pero cuando las cosas no salen como estaba planeado, el corazón del Grinch se vuelve gélido y amenaza con abandonar Villa-Quién para siempre... hasta que una pequeña y especial Quién le recuerda que la Navidad NO se trata de ganar.
¡Haz que tu corazón crezca tres veces MÁS con esta saga del atemporal libro ilustrado ¡Cómo el Grinch robó la Navidad!Ahora traducido en rima al español, ¡Cómo el Grinch perdió la Navidad! es el regalo perfecto tanto para hispanohablantes como para quienes aprenden español como segundo idioma.
The Grinch had been patiently waiting all year,
To celebrate Christmas and bring the Whos cheer,
And to show every Who he was DIFFERENT now.
“I’ve changed!” thought the Grinch,
“And I’ll prove it! But HOW?”
A year has passed since the Grinch stole Christmas from Who-ville. Now eager to prove to the Whos that his heart has grown to LOVE the holiday, the Grinch devises a plan to win Who-ville's Christmas Crown by making the largest, most spectacular Christmas tree the Whos have ever seen!
But when things don't go as planned, the Grinch's heart turns ice cold, and he threatens to leave Who-ville for good...until one small, special Who reminds him that Christmas is NOT about winning.
Grow your heart three sizes MORE with this sequel to the timeless picture book How the Grinch Stole Christmas! Now translated into rhyming Spanish, How the Grinch Lost Christmas! is the perfect gift for Spanish speakers and second language learners!
A deluxe edition of Dr. Seuss's beloved classic that reminds readers to celebrate themselves every day of the year! Featuring a cloth-covered slip-case with a full cover insert and foil trim, a full-color printed book, and a bookplate for personalizing, it's perfect for birthday AND holiday gift-giving!
I...Read more
I...Read more
A deluxe edition of Dr. Seuss's beloved classic that reminds readers to celebrate themselves every day of the year! Featuring a cloth-covered slip-case with a full cover insert and foil trim, a full-color printed book, and a bookplate for personalizing, it's perfect for birthday AND holiday gift-giving!
I wish we could do what they do in Katroo.
They sure know how to say "Happy birthday to you!"
This classic picture book whisks readers away on the most spectacular birthday of all time! And while ANY edition of Happy Birthday to You! makes a great gift, this deluxe edition is perfect for display and destined to become a family heirloom.
Treat someone the way they do in Katroo (where they REALLLY know how to say "Happy Birthday!") with the ultimate edition of the ultimate birthday book!
Today you are you! That is truer than true!
There is no one alive who is you-er than you!
I wish we could do what they do in Katroo.
They sure know how to say "Happy birthday to you!"
This classic picture book whisks readers away on the most spectacular birthday of all time! And while ANY edition of Happy Birthday to You! makes a great gift, this deluxe edition is perfect for display and destined to become a family heirloom.
Treat someone the way they do in Katroo (where they REALLLY know how to say "Happy Birthday!") with the ultimate edition of the ultimate birthday book!
Today you are you! That is truer than true!
There is no one alive who is you-er than you!