Book 5


Yuuhi, Phoebe, Cal, and Aaron have been stranded in the Siberian tundra as part of their Ritual Ordeal, where they must survive for a month in order to come into their own as werewolves. But their ordeal has taken a life-and-death turn as they are relentlessly pursued by Gargantuas—vicious werewolf slaves bred for war. And just when things couldn’t be dire enough, a nasty blizzard hits, separating Phoebe from the rest of the pack!

Book 6


Disillusioned after discovering the truth about female werewolves and hearing all the lies that came from Tatianna’s lips, Phoebe’s faith in Yuuhi and the others is on shaky ground. Yet, despite the pain the knowledge has brought, a part of Phoebe still wants to believe in his packmates. Though trust, once lost, can be difficult to regain.

Book 7

Vampire hunts rage across the United States like the witch hunts of old. But in the shadows, rumors whisper of a grand escape plan. “Mina Tepes summons all the vampires of America,” it says. “Reach the West Coast, and a ship will take you all to the Vampire Bund.” Desperate to survive, hordes of vampires follow that rumor and make for the West Coast. There’s only one small problem — the Vampire Bund sunk months ago, and Vampire Queen Mina Tepes is dead.

Series Overview: The hit supernatural series continues in this new manga, which starts after Dance in the Vampire Bund II: Scarlet Order.

Book 8


Mina Tepes and the young werewolves have managed to escape Clan Li’s hellish prison, but Princess Minmei has been captured by Li’s agents. With Clan Li continuing to escalate global tensions, Mina is left with no choice but to push forward with House Tepes’ “Tobiume Project,” provoking the United States to send warships on “training maneuvers” to the Sea of Japan! Battlelines are drawn as Earth teeters on the brink of a vampire world war!

Book 9

The United States boasts the greatest navy in the world, and now its fleet is on the move in the Sea of Japan. However, Mina Tepes’ doppelganger Katie Maurice positions herself to block them with the will-bending “Pied Piper” virus, and her actions spark a full scale conflict between China and the U.S.A.! Meanwhile, Mina and her compatriots work a cloak-and-dagger mission in the hopes of preventing events from spiraling further into World War III. Could the person who holds the key to stopping the war be Yuki...?

Book 10

House Tepes has put “Project Tobiume” into motion with Mina and Liu enacting critical roles. As a result, the Dowager Empress is dead and Li has been taken hostage - leaving Princess Minmei as the leader of Clan Li. However, this conflict is far from over as, one after another, the palace servants start to rebel against their new master! Could someone be manipulating Clan Li from the shadows? Find out as Age of Scarlet Order dives into the darkness at the heart of Clan Li!

Book 11


The Dowager Empress, thought dead, is not only still alive, but has transformed into her avatar form—that of an enormous flying dragon—and has set her sights on destroying the Vampire Bund once and for all. Worse still, Mina, Minmei, and Li have been swallowed whole and are now trapped inside Dowager’s monstrous body, where nightmares (and shocking revelations) await our heroes around every corner!

Book 12


In order to stop the Dowager Empress’s plot to destroy the Bund, Princess Minmei has transformed into her avatar form to confront her mother in direct battle. As the two dragons duel it out for supremacy in the skies, Mina and Akira confront the Dowager from within and bring to light the final piece of the long history of the manipulative Clan Li. Meanwhile, a new disaster is looming--300,000 vampires are trapped within the Bund’s Cradle, and it’s starting to flood!

Book 13


The First Vampire is back! And not only is this vampire god trying to recruit more followers to his cause in the Bund, he’s also hanging out with singer RULi and her friends, who are completely unaware of the very real danger he poses. As the frantic search for the First Vampire and RULi begins, another crisis is unfolding—word arrives that poison has started to infiltrate the rapidly flooding Cradle, putting all 300,000 vampires trapped inside in mortal danger.