Book 1

Pound of Flesh

by J. A. Cipriano and Conner Kressley

Published 31 October 2016

My name is Roy Morgan, and I’m not your average Atlanta cop. For one, most of them don’t have to kill people to stay alive. I do. It’s a half-demon thing. Yep, that’s right, half-demon. It’s awesome, especially since I’m half-warlock too, and those two sides don’t much get along.

Still, that and a buck will get you a candy bar. So it’s all good.

Or at least it was.

See, I had this dumb idea to stop a robbery in progress and have myself a snack. Turns out these weren’t your run of the mill robbers. No, these were demonic slavers, there to capture the district attorney and sell her off to the highest bidding demon in Hell.

Now if I want to stop them, I’m going to have to fight my way through a city full of hellfire-flinging, gun-toting, spell-weaving demons.

My name is Roy Morgan, and I think I’ll have seconds.

Book 2

Flesh and Blood

by J. A. Cipriano and Conner Kressley

Published 9 March 2017

My name is Roy Morgan, and while being a half-demon warlock doesn’t pay the bills, it’s a nice perk.

Or at least it was.

Now bodies are falling from the sky, someone is taking control of supernatural powerhouses and using them up like this is the expendables, and if that wasn’t enough, some A-hole is trying to open a gateway to the deepest darkest pits of Hell.

Let me just say, if that bastard gets out, we’re all totally screwed because what’s in Hell, is supposed to stay in Hell.

My name is Roy Morgan, and this time, if I want to save my friends, I might need to let the demon side of me come out and play.

Book 3

So I saved the girl and what did I get for it?

A one way trip to Hell.

And that’s not even the worst thing because, turns out, Hell doesn’t want me.

Story of my life, right?

So what’d those demonic bastards do?

Sent me back to earth.

Only while it’s been just a few weeks for me, seven years has passed on earth.

Seven. Years.

Now there’s a coven of warlocks living in my house, my girl has turned into a Greek goddess, and my best friend has found a new best friend.

Oh, and a nightmare creature hewn from the depths of Hell is trying to kill them all.
And you know what the kicker is? The thing that really pisses me off?

If I kill the nightmare creature and save my friends, I’ll unleash the apocalypse.

My name’s Roy Morgan. Welcome to my life.