Book 1

The Culling

by JC Andrijeski

Published 29 April 2014

“Humans who ran got culled…”

Jet is a 19-year-old skag, one of the humans still living free on Earth following an invasion of creatures called the Nirreth. Squatting in the ruins of Vancouver, Jet and her family eke out an existence underground, hiding from culler ships and fighting off raiding humans.

No one knows where the alien ships take the people they steal, but they never return. When a culler finds Jet, she may discover the truth the hard way...and end up living among the very creatures that stole her planet and wiped out most of her race.

This is Part I in the now-complete Alien Apocalypse Series, and this story is short-novel / novella-length (the rest of the books in the series are full-sized novels!)

Book 2

The Royals

by JC Andrijeski

Published 29 April 2014

“Samurai! Samurai! Samurai” they chanted…

Now a slave of the Nirreth Royals, Jet spends her days babysitting the heir to the alien throne and her nights training for the Rings. The Rings are the wildly-popular, televised Nirreth sport where humans and aliens navigate perilous courses, trying to stay alive. As the first female human ever to run in the Rings, everyone expects Jet to die in the first round.

Since she’s already caught between human rebel forces, aliens who want to usurp the Nirreth throne, and the heir to the alien throne himself, who decides he wants Jet for a mate…Jet figures she’ll be lucky to make it to the match in one piece at all.

Book 3

The New Order

by JC Andrijeski

Published 29 April 2014

“They were leaving. She was leaving Earth…”

Jet figures out fast that her new role as the prince’s consort presents even more dangers than just being a straight-up slave and Rings champion. For one thing, a lot more people want to kill her.

Worse, Ringmaster Trazen remains as obsessed with Jet as ever. If anything, he seems more determined than ever to put Jet in her place as a “mammal” and a slave.

As political intrigues heat up in the Green Zone and one of her human friends is given the death penalty for treason, Jet finds herself surrounded by strangers, enemies, fans and so-called friends, none of whom she fully trusts. Jet soon realizes that the only path to her family’s survival will be the one Jet carves herself.

Book 4

The Rebellion

by JC Andrijeski

Published 12 June 2015

Jet was born after the first war was already lost…
But she might be just in time for the second.
Living on the fringes of an alien-owned world
She might just be the leader they need…

“He’s a fanatic. He’d wipe all of us out, given any excuse at all...”

In the fourth and final chapter of the ALIEN APOCALYPSE series, Jet Tetsuo, famous “Samurai” of the Rings, finds herself a slave in the home of her mortal enemy, Trazen, and desperate to escape. At first that prospect seems impossible, even if she manages to find allies among Trazen’s other human slaves––but events swiftly unfold that show her nothing is what it seems, not even Trazen himself.

Jet discovers a version of the Green Zone she never dreamed existed...filled with human terrorists and potential allies, as well as a new fanatical breed of Nirreth who would prefer to see the human race in chains.

When the First Son of the Royals announces his intention to annihilate most of the human race, Jet must decide just how far she’s willing to go to stop him. With the lives of both races in the balance, she might have to trust the very people she swore she’d never trust...or risk losing everyone she’s ever cared about.