Book 19

Back in Chiho's hometown, it's harvest season and there's not enough hands!
With his part-time job closed for renovations, Maou decides to go help out and
brings the the willing Ashiya as well as the unwilling Urushibara. Meanwhile,
Suzuno is completely misunderstands the situation and drags Emi along to chase
the boys all the way to Nagano. Even in the countryside, the demon king and the
hero are bound to bring trouble with them wherever they go...

Book 21

With the Devil King Castle closed and the war between the humans on Ente
resolved, all that remains for Maou and his friends is to mount an
assault on heaven.
But before that, there's something he needs to do-get
dressed up to visit Chiho's father
and do the right thing. As the final
battle fast approaches, Emi can't help but notice
that the Devil King seems
to be in poor health... What hidden truths await Maou and
company in heaven?
Can they really take down a god? And if they do, what will
become of their
lives in Japan?