This ActiveBook, powered by ActiveLearn, is available on a one year subscription. After one year you will need to renew the subscription in order for your students to continue using the ActiveBook. This subscription is for an institution who will be using the title with up to twenty students. Please purchase one subscription to cover the number of students you have. Only one subscription band can be sold per year per product. Other subscription sizes are available.

This book will:

cover the essential content in the new specifications in a rigorous and engaging way, using detailed narrative, sources, timelines, key words, helpful activities and extension material
help develop conceptual understanding of the areas students' struggle with, including evidence, interpretations, causation and change, through targeted activities
provide assessment support with sample answers, sources, practice questions and guidance to help students tackle the new-style exam questions

The eBook, powered by ActiveLearn, gives students easy online access to the textbook content. Students can make it their own with notes, highlights and links to wider reading - perfect for supporting coursework and revision activities.

This eBook has a three year licence, giving you access for three years from the date you activate your login. The licence is for a single user.

A combined print textbook and eBook, and a Kindle edition are also available to buy for this title.