Book 1

The Shadow Project

by Cecilia Dominic

Published 10 April 2020

Sometimes even a Fae princess has to agree to an impossible bargain. Unfortunately there’s no “fair” in Fae.

Exiled Fae princess Reine has gotten comfortable in the Earth realm, but she’d drop it all in a heartbeat to return home to Faerie. When her scornful mother proposes a pact, Reine knows she better be careful, because Fae bargains are always loaded with tricks…

On the same day she agrees to help smoke out a traitor on a team of scientists, an invisible shifter attacks her in her supposedly ultra-secure home and a teleporting kitten adopts her. She suspects it’s all connected, but time is running out for her to figure out how. After discovering a shadowy manipulator is intent on seeing her fail, Reine must confront a deadly conspiracy that reaches into the Fae realm and could spell the end for her kind.

Can Reine unmask a sinister cabal before she loses her ticket home...or her life?

The Shadow Project is the mesmerizing first book in The Fae Files urban fantasy series. If you like snarky heroines, memorable creatures, and thrilling mysteries, then you’ll love Cecilia Dominic’s spellbinding story.

Book 2

Shadows of the Heart

by Cecilia Dominic

Published 8 September 2020

She has one “simple” task to complete to earn her way back home. Too bad the monster she needs to capture is hunting her, too.

Nobody said Fae life was easy...

Reine has one minor loose end to tie up before she’ll be allowed to return to Faerie — an invisible soul-eating creature is on the loose at a major fantasy convention, and the hotel manager doesn’t believe in the paranormal.

As if living in a horror movie isn’t bad enough, Reine’s brother Rhys and the gargoyle she’s becoming too attracted to have some sort of history between them.

Instead of a “loose end,” Reine is dealing with the unraveling of her life. Can she embrace a side of herself she’s afraid to acknowledge and defeat the soul-eater in time to meet the conditions of her bargain to return to Faerie? Or will her life – as well as those of the convention-goers – be sacrificed for greed, ambition, and a good performance review?

Or worst of all, will love tempt her to stay on Earth?

In this second installment of the Fae Files, Reine has to balance her desire to return home with the humanity she doesn’t want to admit she has and the need for a love she can’t accept. If you like snarky, conflicted heroines, slow-burn romance subplots, and lots of drama, then Shadows of the Heart is the book for you.

Book 3

The Shadowed Path

by Cecilia Dominic

Published 9 March 2021

Be careful what you wish for…

Exiled princess Reine’s return to Faerie isn’t what she hoped. First, she has to sneak in rather than enter in triumph. Second, she has to figure out what to do with a certain handsome gargoyle, who still hasn’t forgiven her or her brother for a major betrayal.

Third, someone in her grandmother’s court is trying to kill her.

As Reine travels the shadowed paths typically forbidden to those of the Light Court while evading a hidden, yet clever pursuer, she has to navigate her own interpersonal complications and face the truth about who and what she truly is. Otherwise, she’s guaranteed to lose the final battle against the powerful enemy who’s been pulling the strings all along, and Faerie will never be the same.

The Shadowed Path is the third installment of The Fae Files, a series with magic, wit, and a little bit of bite. If you like snarky heroines, memorable creatures, and unique magical worlds, then you’ll love Cecilia Dominic’s spellbinding series.

Book 4

Shadows of the Sky

by Cecilia Dominic

Published 29 June 2021