Artists in Uniform

by Max Eastman

Published 30 November 2021

First published in 1934, Artists in Uniform confronts what the author describes as ‘two of the worst features of the Soviet experiment’ following Lenin’s death – bigotry and bureaucratism – and shows how they have functioned in the sphere of arts and letters. It is divided into three parts: The Artist’s International; A Literary Inquisition; and Art and the Marxian Philosophy.

Stalin's Russia

by Max Eastman

Published 30 November 2021

First published in 1940, Stalin’s Russia is a close study of the development of the Stalinist regime and the flaws in socialist doctrine that made it possible.

The book examines the contrasts between the "free and equal" society heralded by the Marxist-Leninist programme and the totalitarian state that emerged in its place. It makes use of a wealth of material to cast light on the inner workings of Stalin’s regime. It explores the significance of the Stalin-Hitler pact, and argues that the word "socialism" itself became a liability to any genuine movement of liberation as a result.


by Max Eastman

Published 30 November 2021

First published in 1941, Marxism: Is it Science? was written to present the author’s criticisms of Marxism and, in doing so, to further exemplify his ‘Method of Instruction’ first proposed in an earlier work.

The book is divided into six parts to provide six complete presentations of Marxism and why the author considers it unscientific. The six different approaches, varying in focus and complexity, work together to give the reader a detailed overview of Marxism and the authors critique of it.