"Careers for Scholars and Other Deep Thinkers" lets career explorers look at the job market through the unique lens of their own interests. The book reveals dozens of ways to pursue a passion and make a living - including many little-known, but delightful careers that will surprise readers.

VGM's most popular career series appeals to people everywhere who have longed to earn a living doing what they love, whether that is creating and selling handmade crafts, conducting laboratory research, embarking on adventures at sea, or trying a case in a court of law. The books take an enticing look at the possibilities and training requirements for dozens of jobs involving a wide variety of popular hobbies and interests. Each book introduces readers to people who have turned a passion into a profession, and offers guidance and inspiration to job seekers in all fields.

Take the first step to a profitable and satisfying career!

Do weddings make you swoon? Are you a natural when it comes to flower arrangements? Does a beautifully set table satisfy your most creative urge? If you answered yes to any of the above, your career choice has already been made. Now you need to choose an occupation.

Careers for Romantics & Other Dreamy Types provides practical advice on deciding which calling is for you, along with first-hand accounts of everyday routines, information on working conditions of selected jobs, and a list of resources to help you get your foot in the door. Let Careers for Romantics & Other Dreamy Types put you on the path to a dynamic and rewarding career.

Are you the person whom others naturally seek out for answers? If so, you may have a highly satisfying and lucrative career ahead of you. Every business and organization needs a quality leader to guide and motivate its employees. General managers and executives account for about three million jobs in the American work force. And the need is growing. This book will put you on the path to success."Careers for Born Leaders & Other Decisive Types" provides all the information you need to launch a career as a: Financial Manager; Public School Principal; CEO; Government Legislator; Marketing Manager; Sales Executive; Chief Engineer; Restaurant Manager; Hotel Administrator; Athletic Director; and, Health Services VP. Inside you'll find practical advice on deciding which calling is for you, along with first-hand accounts of the everyday routines and working conditions of selected jobs. Written for newcomers and career-changers alike, Careers for Born Leaders & Other Decisive Type includes lists of resources to help you get your foot in the door. Here's the first step to a profitable living doing what you love.