For both the first time job hunter or someone looking to make a career change

Helps readers determine if they courageous and/or adventurous and then presents a range of creative career options.

The reader is then presented with first hand accounts from people working in a field which requires these qualities and gives readers an idea of what to expect on-the-job and then provided resources for further career exploration.

Put your power of persuasion to work!

Do you consider yourself a good problem solver? Can you always see both sides of a dilemma? Are you the kind of person who enjoys leading a team? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are a persuasive type--now all you need is an occupation that puts your unique talent to use.

Careers for Persuasive Types & Others Who Won't Take No for an Answer provides all the information you need to get started on landing the job of your dreams, including inside information on everyday routines of selected jobs, working conditions within the field, and alternate sources to enhance your job search. Use the advice provided here and you'll:

Decide which specific profession is best for youMake the right choices the first time aroundBegin your job search focused and confidentPresent yourself as a knowledgeable, serious job candidate

You're a born leader! You can work as a:
sales rep * fund-raiser * lawyer * teacher * ad exec * legislator * publicist * marketing professional

"Careers for Geniuses and Other Gifted Types" lets career explorers look at the job market through the unique lens of their own interests. The book reveals dozens of ways to pursue a passion and make a living - including many little-known but delightful careers that might surprise the readers.

VGM's most popular career series appeals to people everywhere who have longed to earn a living doing what they love, whether that's working for a government think tank, observing animals in a refuge, or working out of a home office. The books in this series take an intriguing look at the possibilities, training requirements, and salaries for dozens of jobs involving a wide variety of popular hobbies and interests. Each book introduces readers to people who have turned a passion into a profession and offers guidance and inspiration to job seekers in all fields.

VGM's most popular career series appeals to all those who have longed to earn a living doing what they Dove most -- whether that is growing plants, tinkering with cars, handling animals, or conquering cyberspace.The books take an enticing look at the possibilities and training requirements for dozens of jobs involving a wide variety of popular hobbies and interests. Each book introduces readers to people who have turned a passion into a profession.

People have been getting paid to clown around for centuries. What's stopping you? The medieval court jester has been replaced by the stand-up comedian, but there are many other career avenues for those with a unique sense of humor. You can turn your talent for making people laugh into a rewarding profession. Could you ask for a better career than one that makes people happy?This book will put you on the path to success. "Careers for Class Clowns & Other Engaging Types" provides all the information you need to launch a career as a: stand-up comedian; circus clown; magician; juggler; actor; musician; TV personality; and, party clown. Inside you'll find practical advice on deciding which calling is right for you, along with first-hand accounts of the everyday routines and working conditions of selected jobs. Written for newcomers and career-changers alike, "Careers for Class Clowns & Other Engaging Types" includes lists of resources to help you get your foot in the door. Here's the first step to a profitable living doing what you love.