Presents the scene in California after gold was discovered on John Sutter's land in 1849 and the subsequent fortunes made and hearts broken.

The Roaring Twenties

by R Conrad Stein

Published 1 March 1994

The Story of the Panama Canal

by R Conrad Stein

Published 1 December 1982
A history of the building of one of the world's great engineering feats.

Details the Germans' last big offensive to reverse the course of World War II at the end of 1944.

The Boston Tea Party

by R Conrad Stein

Published 1 September 1996
Describes the events preceding, during, and following this noted event, which helped precipitate the American Revolutionary War.

Discusses the network of groups and individuals throughout Ohio and the New England states who aided slaves escaping from their captivity during the nineteenth century.

The Trail of Tears

by R Conrad Stein

Published 1 March 1993
Describes the Federal government's seizure of Cherokee lands in Georgia and the forced migration of the Cherokee Nation to Oklahoma along the route that came to be known as the Trail of Tears.

Assassination of M.L.King Jr.

by R Conrad Stein

Published 1 September 1996
Chronicles the events leading up to, and the immediate aftermath of, the murder of one of the best-known figures in the United States civil rights movement.

Arlington National Cemetery

by R Conrad Stein

Published 1 September 1995

Describes the Federal government's seizure of Cherokee land in Georgia and the forced migration of the Cherokee Nation along the Trail of Tears to Oklahoma.

The Hindenburg Disaster

by R Conrad Stein

Published 1 October 1997
Describes the development and early flights of airships and the disastrous crash of the Hindenburg at an airfield in New Jersey in 1937.

Relates the circumstances of the United States' involvement with the Barbary States of North Africa in the early years of the nineteenth century.

The Montgomery Bus Boycott

by R Conrad Stein

Published 1 September 1993
Discusses how the black community of Montgomery, Alabama, staged the 1955 boycott to end segregation on public buses.

Lewis and Clark

by R Conrad Stein

Published 1 September 1997
Describes the 1804-1806 Lewis and Clark Expedition, which took the explorers from St. Louis to the Pacific Ocean.

Christopher Columbus

by R Conrad Stein

Published 1 April 1992
Describes the voyages and discoveries of Columbus and their aftermath.

The Pilgrims

by R Conrad Stein

Published 1 October 1995

Cornerstones of Freedom

by R Conrad Stein

Published 1 August 1994

Describes the assassination of President Kennedy, the reactions of a stunned world, his funeral services, and the controversy over the investigation of the killing.


by R Conrad Stein

Published 1 April 1993
Describes the events of the Allied landing on the beaches of Normandy on June 6, 1944, the largest amphibious invasion ever attempted.