Book 25

Space Telescope

by Dennis Brindell Fradin

Published 12 December 1987

Book 26


by Dennis Brindell Fradin

Published 1 March 1984

Book 26


by Dennis Brindell Fradin

Published 1 October 1984
An introduction to Spacelab, a reusable space laboratory for studying many scientific areas, first sent aloft in 1983.

Book 26

Moon Flights

by Dennis Brindell Fradin

Published 1 May 1985
Describes man's first landing on the moon, later moon walks in Project Apollo, and the importance of these missions to our exploration of space.

Book 65

Halley's Comet

by Dennis Brindell Fradin

Published 1 November 1985
Describes the general characteristics of comets and gives a brief history of Halley's comet discussing its expected reappearance in late 1985-early 1986.

Book 98


by Dennis Brindell Fradin

Published 1 May 1990
Describes the planet Mercury and humanity's search for knowledge about its nature.


by Dennis Brindell Fradin

Published 12 March 1999
Discusses the giant planet, how it was named, and the information astronomers have gathered about it.


by Dennis Brindell Fradin

Published 1 May 1989
Discusses the characteristics of Saturn and how information about it has been gathered from ancient times to the present day when the Voyager probes sent back a series of photographs of the ringed planet.


by Dennis Brindell Fradin

Published 1 May 1989
Examines the planet Mars and investigations both past and future to increase our knowledge of it.


by Dennis Brindell Fradin

Published 12 March 1999
Discusses the seventh planet, how it was named, and the information astronomers have gathered about it.


by Dennis Brindell Fradin

Published 12 March 1999
Presents facts about the large, gaseous planet, from its discovery to the latest findings from the Voyage II space probe which passed by Neptune in 1986.


by Dennis Brindell Fradin

Published 12 March 1999
Describes the characteristics of the second closest planet to the sun.


by Dennis Brindell Fradin

Published 1 December 1989
Discusses the Earth as a planet and describes its temperatures, movements in space, and other characteristics.


by Dennis Brindell Fradin

Published 1 December 1989
Discusses the ninth planet, how it was named, and the information astronomers have gathered about it.

Describes in simple terms the meteors, comets, and asteroids that are part of our solar system and discusses the various theories concerning their origin and their effect on life on Earth.

Describes man's exploration of the solar system, with emphasis on the Voyager probes sent to the outer planets beyond the asteroid belt.