The Zuni

by Kevin Cunningham and Peter Benoit

Published 1 March 2011
An exploration of the Zuni Indians, discussing their history, beliefs, modern difficulties, and more.

The Pueblo

by Kevin Cunningham and Peter Benoit

Published 1 March 2011

The Apache

by Mark Friedman and Peter Benoit

Published 1 March 2011

The Sioux

by Kevin Cunningham and Peter Benoit

Published 1 July 2011
An introduction to the Sioux people, explaining who they are, reviewing the history of the Sioux, telling the story of Little Bighorn, and examining key parts of Sioux culture.

The Cheyenne

by Kevin Cunningham and Peter Benoit

Published 22 May 2011
An introduction to the Cheyenne people, explaining who they are, reviewing the history of the Cheyenne, looking at how the Cheyenne lived, their beliefs, and rituals, and discussing the Council of Forty-Four.

This introduction to the Cheyenne people explains who they are, reviews the history of the Cheyenne, looks at how the Cheyenne lived, their beliefs, and rituals, and discusses the Council of Forty-Four. The coauthor is Peter Benoit.