Book 1

Shadows Spark

by C Rochelle

Published 27 July 2020

Rejected by Hell
Hunted by Heaven
A destiny written in the stars

Current mood: Over it

Have you ever had the kind of week where you're supposed to be escorting souls to Hell but instead you save a handsome human with some lightning power you didn't know you possessed then end up in a naughty angel's bed?

Well, that's what's new in my life...

And now my unrequited first love has left Hell to search for me before the killing machines of the Demonic Forces or the Angelic Army find me.

Some believe I'm the physical incarnation of a celestial legend, sent to shake up the already shaky truce between Heaven and Hell and save the human race. No pressure.

I failed my Reaper exams and have barely been kissed but that won't stop me from harnessing my powers to claim my divine birthright. All while taking some very tempting men to bed--no matter if they're angels, demons, or anything in between.


The Wings of Darkness + Light trilogy is an alternate history that imagines "What if angels and demons walked among us?"

This is a steamy, paranormal romance with an urban fantasy, alternate-history setting, featuring a heroine who is a force to be reckoned with.

  • Multiple POV (including her men)
  • This series is meant for readers 18 and over.
  • Book ends on mild cliffhanger.

Possible triggers:

  • Sweary dialogue
  • Naughty humor
  • Graphic sex
  • Plenty of side-eye toward the Old and New Testament and societal class systems
  • Brief mention of contemplated suicide

Book 2

Shadows Smolder

by C Rochelle

Published 12 September 2020

Ancient origins
Shaky alliances
Overwhelming media attention

More men than one bed can hold

Well, it’s official. I’m a legendary divine being with mysterious origins who needs my chosen Champions to boost my powers through supernatural sexcapades. I would care what my parents thought—if only I could find out who they were.

To unearth my ancestry, I need to locate the long-lost access point to the original Garden of Eden. All while allowing a tenacious human reporter to create a camera-ready version of me as the savior of all mankind.

But first, I need to rescue one Champion from Heaven, convince another to stop playing hard-to-get, and decide how I feel about a dangerous ancient being who intends to create a world-ending Antichrist baby with me.

Take it easy, boys—there’s plenty of me to go around.

The suspicious motives of Heaven, and the discovery that an old acquaintance in Hell may secretly have my back, have made me question whom I can really trust...including within my own team.

And when it comes to the fine line I’m already walking between darkness and light, I may not even be able to trust myself.

Book 3

Shadows Scorch

by C Rochelle

Published 27 November 2020

A shattered harem
A missing goddess
A looming threat against humanity

Just another day in the life of Dark Mercy!

What fresh Hell is this? You know, for being such a bad bitch, I sure know how to make some very bad decisions. I went ahead and followed a sexy psychopath to the Garden of Eden with no clue how to access my full powers or return to my Champions back on Earth.

Assuming they still want me after what I’ve done!

Heaven’s Tribunal and Hell’s Council have been plotting against the human race for centuries and I’m apparently the only one who can stop them. The trouble is, I still don’t have all the pieces of the puzzle and all three realms are running out of time. Oh, and first, I need to defeat the Big Bad before I accidentally end up on the wrong side of history.

Can’t a legendary goddess catch a break?

Once I learn to master all four elements, I can finally achieve my divine destiny and restore the balance between angels, demons, and humans. With my Champions by my side - and an army of my own - I’m ready to fully step into my power and bring my enemies to their knees.

Hell hath no fury like a revolution whose time has come.