Book 13

After an imperial supply point is attacked, Tanya decides to revisit aproposal she came up with in college. She orders the 203rd Aerial Mage Battalionto carry out her retaliation, but even they can't help but be shocked by itsbrutality! What could she be plotting...?

Book 14

No one but "enemy combatants" in need of extermination remain in the cityof Arene, and the members of the 203rd are finally forced to carry out theirmerciless orders. As the "Devil's Protocol" comes to its fruition, resulting inmountains of corpses and a battlefield that does indeed resemble Hell itself,what path will Lieutenant Grantz, tormented by his conscience, choose totake...?

Book 15

After surviving the hellish urban warfare in Arene, the members of the203rd Battalion
are ordered to move on to their next assignment-in the rear!But the Republican Army
is waiting for them there and now has a bone to pickwith the hated Devil of the Rhine.
The Republicans put up quite the fight inArene, and the threat they pose now is
greater than ever before..

Book 16

After somehow managing to live through the most grueling battle of theirentire careers, Tanya and the 203rd receive a letter from the General Staff. Itscontents are, essentially, “Hop on these rockets and go smash up theRepublican Army’s HQ. Oh, and be sure to come back from thistechnologically unprecedented flight alive once you’re done with yourabsurdly dangerous mission!”

Book 18

As Operation Shock and Awe moves forward without ahitch, Tanya and the 203rd prepare to go read the Republic its last rites. For amoment, the Empire's victory seems close at hand‚ but the Commonwealth'sstrongest mage is waiting there to give them a rough welcome when theyarrive...

Book 19

After surviving the Commonwealth’s assault, the 203rd Battalion advances toward Parisii, the capital of the François Republic. Mocking the Republican Army’s feeble attempts at resistance, Tanya assures herself that there’s no way the Empire could get Dunkirk’ed like its equivalent from her previous life…

Book 22

It’s all storm and stress for the Free François Republic, as the Imperial Southern Continent Expeditionary Army Corps advances lightning quick across their colonial holdouts. Unconventional maneuvers gush unceasingly out of General Romel, and it’s not long before Tanya’s 203rd Aerial Mage Battalion is part of the tide...!

Book 24

The Imperial Southern Continent Expeditionary Army Corps struggles under the reality of the shortage of manpower and supplies. The Imperial army’s weak spot has been exposed, and an experienced commander like de Lugo is quick to take advantage and pin them down. Driven into a corner, will Romel and Tanya be able to turn the desperate situation around!?

After the Empire suffers a Dunkirk-like defeat at the hands of the François Republic, it seems like Imperial HQ doesn't even care. Tanya heads back, determined to get to the bottom of the situation—but what awaits her in the capital?

After escaping from Brest Naval Base, what remains of the Republican Army declares its intent to continue resisting the Empire from the southern continent. In response to this nasty case of snails in their lower regions, the General Staff issues a double dose of up-and-coming tactical genius Major General Romel and a certain legendary battalion to cure what ails the fatherland...?

The 203rd Battalion, led by Tanya, returns to the Imperial Capital after its fierce campaign against the remnants of Francois in the desert. Given their astounding achievements in the South, a vacation is certain! Or so Tanya thought. Instead, what awaits her is a smiling Colonel Lergen, and Major Uger with a rather grim expression...