Kingdom: The Promised Land

by Dan Abnett

Published 13 August 2014
Out into the wilderness they trek, led by the urgings from their masters, charged with keeping Them off of his lawn. The pack, led by Gene the Hackman, are strong, experienced soldiers - they don't know exactly what Them are, but they have their orders, and Them are to...Read more


by Dan Abnett and Nik Vincent

Published 7 July 2014
Limited edition hardback edition. New York Times best selling author Dan Abnett is to write an original novel set in the world of his hit 2000 AD comics series Kingdom. Co-written with Nik Vincent, Fiefdom is set one hundred years after the events of Kingdom, in which a genetically-engineered...Read more

Kingdom: Call of the Wild

by Dan Abnett and Rich Elson

Published 15 March 2012
Earth, the far future. Mankind has been all but destroyed, those still surviving forced into hiding by Them - insectile creatures that have taken over the world. Charged with protecting humanity are genetically engineered dogsoldiers like Gene the Hackman - savage warriors that patrol the wilderness, directed by Urgings...Read more