Book 1

Lords of Asylum

by Kevin Wright

Published 1 January 2016

‘It came in this darkest of years, this winter of bitterest cold, when dire wolves loped rabid through the city, marauding, laying slaughter and waste upon man, woman, and child. When finally they retreated, it was believed a miracle from God. It was not.’

As plague howls through war-torn Asylum City, Sir Luther Slythe Krait is forced into the service of his mortal enemy, the notorious Gallows Lord.

Thrust into a deadly game of cat and mouse, can Sir Luther negotiate the labyrinth of Asylum’s treacherous political wasteland? Can he play one mad warlord off against another long enough to realize his quest? To uncover the truth behind a series of unspeakable murders?

With dark forces aligned against him and even allies plotting his demise, it seems impossible. Like a tightrope walker poised amidst a maelstrom, Sir Luther walks the razor’s edge.

Balance or fall, there lies but one certainty: He will bleed.

It’s mystery, mayhem, murder.

It’s Hammett’s The Maltese Falcon meets Abercrombie’s The First Law Series in this epic grimdark saga.

Book 2

Sir Luther Slythe Krait has a problem. He and his friends are dying.

Starving, on the run, and driven before a gale of ruin and slaughter, they seek a safe haven to hunker down in, to rest, recoup, regather.

The backwater port of Haeskenburg seems to answer all their prayers. But Sir Luther knows Haeskenburg. He wishes he didn’t. Haeskenburg has a secret, you see.

Dark and ancient and stifled away from the light of day, but poised once more to rear its ugly head. Caught between the hammer and the anvil, Sir Luther walks a razor’s edge. Balance or fall, there lies but one certainty: He will bleed.

Experience the sublime catharsis of total annihilation.

Book 3

The small village of Untheim has a big problem. Folk go missing with alarming frequency. Even more alarming? They turn up dead. And a young girl’s just disappeared.

Sir Luther Slythe Krait also has a big problem. He’s stuck in Untheim. Penniless and poor and on his last legs, Sir Luther shoulders the task of tracking down the missing girl. The good news? He finds her. The bad? She’s heading home in a box.

And that’s just the start.

Bound by oath to hunt down the girl’s killer, Sir Luther treks through town and wilderness, hounding the populace, ferreting leads, and drawing back the shroud of a decades-old secret privy to a select few. It’s a dark secret, and those few want it kept that way.

Will Sir Luther find the killer? Will he exact justice? An eye for an eye? A head for a head? Or will the head lost be his own?

Book 4

Terminus Rex

by Kevin Wright

Published 15 February 2023