Book 1

The Fall of the Phoenix

by Daniel Kelly

Published 30 August 2018

The long siege of Troy, the battles fought over it, and the city's eventual capitulation and incineration are events which have often been retold since their first recitation by Homer. Seldom, however, will they have been narrated with such close attention to the minute particulars of battle, to its reek and terror and pain, as in this startling account by Daniel Kelly. Kelly looks minutely at every detail of archaic combat, as well as at the lives and feelings shaped by it. His Troy is not only a scene of shining glory, but also a grimy struggle for survival and mastery. And he introduces surprising questions: what if not everything in the Trojan war came to pass just as Homer tells us? What if the future of the Roman empire were hidden in the burning ashes of Troy's - and not in the way we might expect?

Book 2

A Hero's Welcome

by Daniel Kelly

Published 3 November 2020

Troy has fallen.

The greatest city on earth has been reduced to a pile of smoldering ash, but the cost has been high. The fabled king Priam with the last remnant of the city, knowing all hope of survival is gone, sacrifice themselves in a last act of defiance to destroy the greek army.

Agamemnon crawls for the safety of his fortress walls of Mycaenea, well aware that enemies will smell blood in the water. But after the years at war, who could you trust to keep your throne safe?

Running for their very lives, the refugees of Troy search the Mediterranean for refuge led by Aeneas. Somewhere they can survive, in the hope of one day bringing vengence to their home.

Achilles had a son, whom some call pyrrhus, having missed the great war, he is determined to prove himself by hunting down the refugees.

Odysseus, having helped them escape feels duty bound to find the refugees and warn them of their peril.