Book 1

Reina Roja / Red Queen

by Juan Gomez-Jurado

Published 18 August 2020

Pronto una serie de Amazon Prime

Más de 400 mil ejemplares vendidos.

No has conocido a nadie como ella... Vuelve el autor español de thriller más leído en todo el mundo.

Antonia Scott es especial. Muy especial. No es policía ni criminalista. Nunca ha empuñado un arma ni llevado una placa, y, sin embargo, ha resuelto decenas de crímenes.

Pero hace un tiempo que Antonia no sale de su ático de Lavapiés. Las cosas que ha perdido le importan mucho más que las que esperan ahí fuera.

Tampoco recibe visitas. Por eso no le gusta nada, nada, cuando escucha unos pasos desconocidos subiendo las escaleras hasta el último piso.

Sea quien sea, Antonia está segura de que viene a buscarla.

Y eso le gusta aún menos.


Soon-to-be streaming on Amazon Prime

Introducing Antonia Scott - the most compelling and original detective since Lisbeth Salander - in the international bestselling thriller that has taken the world by storm.

Red Queen is the first book in a trilogy that has sold over 2 million copies in Spain, sold to seventeen countries, and is the basis of an Amazon streaming series to debut in 2023.

Antonia Scott—the daughter of a British diplomat and a Spanish mother—has a gifted forensic mind, whose ability to reconstruct crimes and solve baffling murders is legendary. But after a personal trauma, she's refused to continue her work or even leave her apartment.

Jon Gutierrez, a police officer in Bilbao—disgraced, suspended, and about to face criminal charges—is offered a chance to salvage his career by a secretive organization that works in the shadows to direct criminal investigations of a highly sensitive nature. All he has to do is succeed where many others have failed: Convince a recalcitrant Antonia to come out of her self-imposed retirement, protecting her and helping her investigate a new, terrifying case.

The case is a macabre, ritualistic murder—a teen-aged boy from a wealthy family whose body was found without a drop of blood left in it. But the murder is just the start. A high-ranking executive and daughter of one of the richest men in Spain is kidnapped, a crime which is tied to the previous murder. Behind them both is a hidden mastermind with even more sinister plans.

And the only person with a chance to see the connections, solve the crimes and successfully match wits with the killer before tragedy strikes Antonia Scott.

Book 2

Loba negra / The Black Wolf

by Juan Gomez-Jurado

Published 22 September 2020
El thriller que los 250.000 lectores de Reina Roja están esperando.

Más de 100 mil ejemplares vendidos.

Antonia Scott no tiene miedo a nada. Solo a sí misma.
Pero hay alguien más peligroso que ella. Alguien que podría vencerla.
La Loba negra está cada vez más cerca. Y Antonia, por primera vez, está asustada.

The long-awaited thriller that the 250,000 fans of The Red Queen have been waiting for all along!
Antonia Scott isn’t afraid of anything, only of herself.
But there is someone more dangerous than her; someone who can defeat her.
The Black Wolf is getting closer and closer, and Antonia, for the first time in her life, is feeling scared.

Book 3

Rey Blanco / White King

by Juan Gomez-Jurado

Published 19 January 2021
El esperado desenlace de la trilogía Reina Roja. Más de 700.000 lectores.

«Lo que está haciendo Gómez-Jurado es, sencillamente, el mayor truco de magia de la historia del thriller.» -ABC

La trilogía Reina Roja se ha convertido en un éxito abrumador, conquistando por igual a los lectores y la crítica. La peculiar pareja de investigadores formada por Antonia Scott y Jon Gutiérrez regresa a las librerías en la tercera entrega de la saga, donde se enfrentarán por fin al enigmático Rey Blanco, garantizando un final espectacular para una historia que ha conquistado a una legión de lectores.


The anticipated conclusion of the Red Queen trilogy. More than 700,000 readers.
"What Gomez-Jurado is doing, is quite simply, the greatest magic trick in the history of the thriller." -ABC
The Red Queen trilogy has become an overwhelming success, winning over readers and critics alike. The peculiar pair of researchers made up of Antonia Scott and Jon Gutiérrez returns to the bookstores in the third installment of the saga, where they will finally face the enigmatic White King, guaranteeing an outstanding end to a story that has conquered a legion of readers.