Book 1

Ragnarök… the Twilight of the Gods in Norse mythology… the destruction of the Nine Worlds. And now, three hundred years later, the birth of vengeance. Legendary creator Walter Simonson returns to Norse mythology with this epic tale. Collects issues #1–6.

Book 2

Ragnarök, the doom of the gods, has finally occurred. But the long-held belief that evil would be destroyed along with the gods in that final conflagration proved false. Only the gods died. The Nine Worlds collapsed and became the Dusk Lands, a vast twilight realm inhabited by men, trolls,...Read more

Book 3

Comics legend Walter Simonson's epic tale of divine intrigue in the twilight of the Norse gods continues!

In the end, the gods gathered together and met their foes on the Battle Plain of Vigrid. There, so the stories say, the gods and their Great Enemies slaughtered each other,...Read more