Book 1

RG Veda Omnibus Volume 1


Published 6 September 2016
RG Veda, pronounced Rig Veda, is based on the classic Indian saga of the same name. The lush, sprawling epic follows Yasha, once a mighty warrior king, but now the lord of a slaughtered people he could not save. Yasha journeys the land as the companion and protector of the genderless Ashura, even knowing Ashura's fate is wound with doom for many. Together they seek the other four of the "Six Stars," whose prophesied gathering will at least defeat Taishukuten, the evil usurper of Heaven's throne. But all prophecies are open to interpretation...

Book 2

RG Veda Omnibus Volume 2


Published 11 April 2017
RG Veda, pronounced Rig Veda, is based on the classic Indian saga of the same name. Ashura has now placed trust in Kujaku, known for many lies, to tell the truth and lead them to the fabled Ice Castle in search of Yasha, magicked away in a cloud of butterflies! But there are many strange fortresses in the realms of the gods, and the Sky Castle also is a place of darkness, shrouded in sorrow by the grief of the Lady Karura for her sister. And even a sanctuary in the clouds is no safe refuge to one hoping for revenge on the usurper of the heavens, Taishakuten...

Book 3

Rg Veda Omnibus Volume 3


Published 21 August 2018
RG Veda, pronounced Rig Veda, is based on the classic Indian saga of the same name. The Six Stars have at last reached Zenmi Castle to confront the evil god-king, Taishakuten. As the tyrant prepares to kill them, Kujaku reveals the sign given to those who commit the most heinous of sins. Yet greater evil still is held back only by the seal on Ashura, without which the god of destruction will emerge, unstoppable...and if Yasha cannot change his destiny, he must face it--in the conclusion to the epic tale!