Michael Recycle Saves Christmas

by Ellie Bethel

Published 16 November 2010
Santa is in trouble—the elves are running out of materials to make toys If something doesn't change fast there won't be any toys for kids this Christmas—each kid will only get one grey sock instead (there aren't enough socks for a pair even!). Cue Michael Recycle, our super green hero, who flies in with a message for Santa: Reuse and Recycle! Whilst Michael teaches the elves to make gifts out of everyday items (bouncing balls out of lots of elastic bands, Christmas decorations from tin cans, bracelets out of paperclips, etc), Solar Lola is busy providing enough light and electricity for the hive of activity that ensues!

Litterbug Doug is lazy. He is wasteful. He is messy. But worst of all, he hates recycling! The clean and green town where he lives is in danger from his lazy ways, not to mention suffering from the stench released by the mountains of garbage that Doug leaves wherever he goes! So strong is its stink that even the army of rats that follow Doug around are rethinking their friendship with him. It's up to Michael Recycle, planet Earth's green-caped crusader, to show dastardly Doug the error of his ways...before it's too late!

Michael Recycle

by Ellie Bethel

Published 20 January 2008
Perfect for Earth Day on April 22, but important for teaching evironmental lessons year around! Michael Recycle tells the adventures of a young superhero whose power allows him to teach people about recycling. 

There once was a town 
Called Abberdoo-Rimey,
Where garbage was left
To grow rotten and slimy.

It never smelled fresh.
The air was all hazy.
But the people did nothing.
They got rather lazy.

But the townspeople are called to attention when a streak of green crash-lands in the town dump! It’s not a bird, nor a plane, but a new kind of superhero—Michael Recycle, who has a plan to save Abberdoo-Rimey. . . and the world!

Fresh and funny, Michael Recycle will entertain young and old while gently imparting an important message about recycling and environmental awareness. A special section of Go Green Tips (from Michael Recycle himself) encourages all kids to become environmental superheroes.