Book 12

The Kaurava Empire Vol.2

by Jason Quinn and Sachin Nagar

Published 23 April 2015
The tales of the Mahabharata are updated in this new series from Campfire. Time and again the timeless nature of the greatest stories ever told have been highlighted by readers and fans. This space age rendering of these epic tales really proves the point. The Kauravas and Pandavas go high tech as their forces clash in the fiercest battle the universe has ever known.

Each volume in the series is a stand-alone adventure that will mesmerize and thrill readers everywhere.The Mahabharata goes science fiction in this graphic retelling of the war between the Pandavas and the Kauravas. Ashwatthama, a reluctant warrior commits the ultimate crime and must pay for it by wandering the universe, friendless and alone for all eternity. A graphic reminder that war can brutalize even the best of men and that revenge is seldom worth the price. Cursed to wander the universe, friendless, alone and in pain, Ashwatthama has eternity to ponder his crimes and to yearn for forgiveness. Can he escape his terrible past and find peace or will he be doomed to live forever?

In the second volume of Campfire's Kaurava Empire series we focus on the story of Ashwatthama, the son of great guru and weapons master Drona, teacher of the Kauravas and Pandavas. When war comes to the empire, Ashwatthama is reluctant to choose sides as he is friends with members of  both the Kaurava and Pandava families, but in the end he sides with his father, following him into battle against the Pandavas. When Drona is killed through trickery on the battlefield, Ashwatthama swears vengeance and his revenge is bloody and terrible.

Book 13

The Kaurava Empire Vol.3

by Jason Quinn and Sachin Nagar

Published 19 November 2015
The tales of the Mahabharata are updated in this new series from Campfire. Time and again the timeless nature of the greatest stories ever told have been highlighted by readers and fans. This space age rendering of these epic tales really proves the point. The Kauravas and Pandavas go high tech as their forces clash in the fiercest battle the universe has ever known. 
In this volume we see the real puppet master behind the great war, Shakuni, the man who manoeuvred both sides into hating each other in order to satisfy a lifelong thirst for revenge against the Empire.

The greatest empire the universe has ever known. Ever expanding and seemingly impossible to resist. One man makes it his life-long mission to see that empire crumble into dust. Taken from his home as a child, forced to watch his father and loved ones starve to death before his very eyes, Shakuni vows to make those responsible pay for their actions. Slowly but surely he plots the destruction of everything they hold dear. Revenge will be his, at any cost, even if it means hurting those he cared for, because vengeance has no room for compassion. It is time to see how one man turned the Royal Family of the Kaurava Empire against each other and caused the spark that ignited the greatest civil war ever known.

Each volume in the series is a stand-alone adventure that will mesmerize and thrill readers everywhere.

Book 14

Karna: Victory in Death

by Rik Hoskin and Sachin Nagar

Published 10 August 2017
Unwanted by his mother, snubbed by his blood-brothers and ridiculed by all, this is the story of the unsung hero of the Mahabharata. The graphic novel traces the life-journey of this brave and noble man who became victim to the twists of fate. Loyal to a fault, Karna's blind devotion to the wicked prince Duryodhana, the one man who accepts him as a friend, leads him to side with the Kauravas and fight against his own brothers in the Battle of Kurukshetra.

Steve Jobs: Genius by Design

by Jason Quinn

Published 4 September 2012
iMac, iTunes, iPod, iPhone, iPad, iCon! Steve Jobs and his inventions changed the world we live in. His extraordinary life story is brimming with passion, innovation and creative genius. Share his triumphs and failures, as we journey from his birth and his adoption, through the advent of the computer age and on into the digital age. Forced out of the company he created, his indomitable vision allowed him to change the world of computers, movies, music and telecommunications. Prepare to be inspired, by a man who dared to think different...

The Taj Mahal

by Rik Hoskin and Aadil Khan

Published 10 October 2019
The Taj Mahal in India has been called a 'teardrop on the cheek of time'. This grand monument that was raised to house the mortal remains of Mumtaz Mahal, the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan's beloved wife, today draws millions of visitors from across the globe.

One of more than 85 titles Campfire has published since their introduction to North America in 2010.

This is the story behind the Taj Mahal - of the incredible love story of Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal, how they met and fell in love, and how Shah Jahan was to lose her as she died while giving birth. This is also the story of how the Taj Mahal was built, and how the great Mughal emperor spent his last days imprisoned in his fort, pining for his beloved Mumtaz, as he gazed over the river for a view of the magnificent edifice, a monumental reminder of his love and loss.

Campfire Graphic Novels have published more than 70 titles since their introduction to North America in 2010; the line continues to grow at a steady pace, and the range of offerings is expanding.

Campfire Graphic Novels feature gorgeous, sophisticated artwork and lush prodcution values.

In the 15th Century, most astronomers agreed that the Earth was the centre of the universe. This idea dated back more than 1000 years, to the Greek astronomer Ptolomy, who stated that the Earth was motionless, and that all other heavenly bodies moved in complicated patterns around the Earth. This view became the accepted view of the Catholic Church, an institution so powerful that few would dare to question it. Until Copernicus, Bruno and Galileo...

Learn the life stories of these three great minds, their great breakthroughs, right to their final years. This story is about science and religion. About brave individuals vs a powerful institution. But ultimately, it's about mankind as a species learning to grow up. Like a child must one day learn that it's not the most important thing in the world, humanity had to learn its own small place in the vast universe.