Mastering Futures Trading

by Bo Yoder

Published 4 May 2004
This title presents a clear-eyed look at how to win - and more important, keep from losing - in the futures trading arena. Futures trading is among today's most highly leveraged, potentially profitable financial pursuits. It can also be one of the most frustrating. "Mastering Futures Trading" is a short course for minimizing that frustration - by learning the rules, discovering how to profit from those rules, and consistently using futures market cycles to your advantage.Filled with easy-to-follow directions on what a futures trader must know and do to make money in virtually any market environment, this step-by-step introduction to successful futures trading features: chart-based techniques for determining which markets have the highest probability of moving - and which side to take; market-proven strategies for minimizing risk exposure - the only variable over which you have complete control!; blow-by-blow examples of futures traders in action, maintaining their focus as they confront and overcome unexpected roadblocks; and, the futures trading business is incredibly competitive, potentially lucrative, and - when all is said and done - a lot of fun.
But, just like any other dog-eat-dog business, you'd better take your fun seriously if you intend to survive.Let "Mastering Futures Trading" introduce you to the realities of futures trading, both the highs and the lows, and arm you with everything you need to make futures a profitable component of your overall trading program. 'All the skill and experience that a market master brings to bear still cannot deliver any certainty about direction due to the random nature of price movement. What the master has that the novice lacks is a powerful edge, an analysis structure to make order from chaos and ensure that there is a positive expectancy for every trade that is taken' - From Chapter 1."Mastering Futures Trading" explores the strategies, concepts, and methodologies you need to know to become a successful futures trader. Written by Bo Yoder, a veteran of the global futures trading marketplace, this no-nonsense book provides you with the tools you need to spot futures market trends, identify pending rallies or pullbacks, and put your money on the line only when you've uncovered what appears to be a firm directional bias.Whether you are new to the futures market or a veteran looking to update your techniques and tactics, look to this authoritative book for: pre-trade strategies for developing a trading and risk management plan that fits your style and personality; guidelines for understanding and drawing on numerous styles and strategies, and knowing which style to use in any market; swing trading techniques for anticipating - and taking profitable advantage of - spikes and intraday whipsaws; physical and mental techniques for relieving the stress of the trading day - without losing your edge; and, examples of how to use the time and sales window to more accurately determine a market's underlying supply/demand balance.
You're reading this book because you've experienced the dangers of buy-and-hold investing, of letting ups and downs of the market dictate your financial future, and think you can do better. But leaving the easy path of passive investing in your rearview mirror requires that you assume a new level of responsibility - for how, when, and where your money is invested, and for proactively beating market averages both over the short and long term. "Mastering Futures Trading" will show you how to successfully assume that responsibility. Let this all-inclusive guidebook tell you what you need to know to quickly separate winning futures trades from losers, steer around the profit-killing tricks and traps that exist within every trade, and enter each day with the confidence borne of knowledge - and the wisdom borne of experience.