International Migration

by Khalid Koser

Published 22 February 2007

International migration has always mattered, but today it matters more than ever before. The increasing importance of migration derives from its growing scale and its widening global reach, but also from a number of new dynamics. These include the feminization of migration, the growth of so-called irregular migration, and inextricable links between migration and globalization in terms of economic growth, development, and security. Most recently the global financial crisis is impacting significantly on the dynamics of international migration. Climate change, moreover, is certain to raise migration still higher on national policy agendas, and to challenge existing legal and normative frameworks, national, international and institutional responses.

In addressing the changing opportunities and challenges of international migration, and national and international responses, this volume has four hallmarks:

It covers the most topical issues, including the impact on international migration of the global financial crisis; migrant smuggling and human trafficking; challenges of migrant integration; the links between migration and the demographic crisis; and "mixed flows"

It considers current efforts to improve the governance of international migration, at the national, international and institutional levels

It adopts a global perspective, including substantial consideration of "South-South" migration and the growing significance of Chinese migrations

It draws on the author's extensive original empirical research with migrants and refugees around the world, and policy experience in the USA, Europe and Australia
