The Roommates

by Stephanie Wu

Published 5 August 2014
The fraught relationship between roommates is a true cultural obsession. Shows like Friends, The Golden Girls, The Odd Couple, and New Girl have held us rapt for decades, simultaneously delighting and disconcerting us with their depictions of mismatched couples' cringe-worthy awkwardness and against-all-odds friendship. Maybe it's that uniquely unnatural experience of living with a total stranger that ignites our curiosity, or just that almost all of us, for better or worse, have had one of our own. In The Roommates, people of all ages reveal their disastrous, hilarious, and sometimes moving stories of making their best friend for life or lifelong nemesis. Learn what it's like to share a room in places as unusual as a thirty-person beach house, a billionaire's yacht, a reality show mansion, and a retirement hotel, and those as familiar as sleep away camps, boarding schools, and college dorms. Put down your roommate's dirty dishes and passive aggressive Post - its for this eye-opening glimpse into how people live together in the modern age.