Book 481

Agriculture traditionally played a significant role in the Bulgarian economy. Before the present decade, Bulgaria was a major exporter of fresh and processed fruits and vegetables within Eastern and Central Europe. While the Bulgarian government has progressed rapidly since 1997, the delay in reforms has rendered Bulgarian food products as noncompetitive on the international market. Also, many important components of the transition are not completed. This report reviews the recent history and current state of Bulgarian agriculture and agroindustry. It examines the status of the sectoral reforms program, including reforms affecting pricing and trade, rural finance, land markets, and agroindustry, with emphasis on evaluating its progress toward meeting the criteria for EU accession. It highlights the tremendous advances made recently, and also suggests an agenda for prioritizing the remaining obstacles. This report is intended for agricultural scientists, public officials, politicians, agricultural and agroindustrial leaders, economic researchers and others interested in the transformation of agriculture in the transition economies and in issues pertaining to accession of Central and East European candidate countries to the European Union.

Rural Development Strategy

by Csaba Csaki and Laura Tuck

Published 13 September 2000
With the larger role that the agricultural sector plays in the Eastern Europe and Central Asian (ECA) region, emphasis must be placed on the sector's sustained growth and prosperity. The Bank strategy for rural development in the ECA region during the early phase of transition emphasized the reform of agricultural policies and assistance in privatizing, restructuring, and rebuilding agriculture and agro-industrial complexes. In retrospect, it can be seen that the ECA countries concerned made the right choice when they set their objective to transform their socialized agriculture into a private-ownership and market-based system. Given the developments of the past decade, it is clear, however, that the initial expectations for the outcomes of such reforms were overly optimistic. The transition process in agriculture is far more complex than originally envisaged by both the countries themselves and the international community, including the Bank. Increased social problems and alarming growth of poverty have added a new, unexpected, dimension to the transition process. As the analysis indicates, the region's rural economy is still struggling to adjust to new economic realities, and this will require further refinement and adjustment of the Bank's approach as well. This volume, based on an overview of recent regional developments, summarizes the revised World Bank assistance strategy for rural development in the ECA region.

Agriculture remains the main source of employment and livelihood for the large rural population of many transition countries, especially among the former Soviet republics. Accordingly, the World Bank continuously monitors the progress of land reform and farm restructuring in the region because of the potential impact of these processes on rural development and poverty alleviation in rural areas. The present study on Belarus is the latest addition to a long and growing series of World Bank publications on land reform and farm restructuring in the former socialist countries of Europe and Central Asia. The unique features of all these publications is their reliance on first-hand empirical information collected through extensive farm surveys of various rural constituencies. Analysis of survey findings enables the World Bank to base its policy dialogue with governments in the region on solid empirical facts, making the Bank's recommendations more credible and relevant. The survey findings in this volume will provide a platform for useful policy discussions with this country's government and supply international donors that are active there with essential information to design their strategic programs.