v. 38

Science Education

Published 12 November 2003
For those who will read this book, it will be obvious why to engage in scientific education of talented students as early as possible to develop the critical minds or scientific method judgments. There are multitudes of initiatives all around the world; and the number of these programs are steadily increasing. However, most of these initiatives are local programs connected to one or two motivated teachers or professors. They work in isolation, often struggling with the lack of resources and stay unrecognized to the general public. This situation was a trigger to establish an international network, called the Network of Youth Excellence (NYEX) in 2004. The members of this network are organizations with a proven devotion to promoting scientific research among young students (i.e. under the age of 21). All member organizations delegate a representative to the Board, which is the main decision making body in important issues. The Board selects the Executive Board by entrusting a chairperson and two vice-chairs among themselves. The Executive Board is responsible for implementing causes, making everyday decisions and coordinating network activities.