This Student Book gives a clear and complete understanding of each assessment objective, with:

  • Practical examples and activities give for each assessment objective give students the tools to 'learn by doing'.
  • Clearly presented requirements for achieving pass, merit and distinction levels allow students to achieve their best result.
  • Assignments and homework activities at Pass, Merit and Distinction level help build portfolio evidence.
  • Coverage of 'Unit 6: Spreadsheet Design and Use' and 'Unit 7: Database Design and Use'.

This Student Book gives a clear and complete understanding of each assessment objective, with:

  • Practical examples and activities give for each assessment objective give students the tools to 'learn by doing'.
  • Clearly presented requirements for achieving pass, merit and distinction levels allow students to achieve their best result.
  • Assignments and homework activities at Pass, Merit and Distinction level help build portfolio evidence.
  • Coverage of 'Unit 4 Design and Produce Multimedia Products', 'Unit 22 Creating Sound using ICT' and 'Unit 23 Creating Video'.

This Student Book gives a clear and complete understanding of each assessment objective, with:

  • Practical examples and activities give for each assessment objective give students the tools to 'learn by doing'.
  • Clearly presented requirements for achieving pass, merit and distinction levels allow students to achieve their best result.
  • Assignments and homework activities at Pass, Merit and Distinction level help build portfolio evidence.
  • Coverageof 'Unit 1 ICT Skills for Business' and 'Unit 21 Creating Computer Graphics'.

This Student Book gives a clear and complete understanding of each assessment objective, with:

  • Practical examples and activities give for each assessment objective give students the tools to 'learn by doing'.
  • Clearly presented requirements for achieving pass, merit and distinction levels allow students to achieve their best result.
  • Assignments and homework activities at Pass, Merit and Distinction level help build portfolio evidence.
  • Coverage of 'Unit 2: Webpage creation' and 'Unit 20: Creating animation for the WWW in ICT'.