• Suitable for qualified plumbers who wish to move into this exciting new area of skills and employment.
  • Covers four main work areas: Solar and PV, Heat pumps, Biomass and Rainwater and Grey-water harvesting.
  • High-definition photographs and illustrations to assist with skills learning which reflect latest industry practices.
  • Closely follows the structure of each of the relevant units.
  • Progress checks for each learning outcome help learners to consolidate key information and plan revision when required.
  • Mathematical and ICT skills are carefully explained so learners fully understand the technical requirements of the course.
  • Problem-solving case studies put content into workplace context and prepare learners for real-life situations.
  • Practical skills are presented in clear step-by-step procedural photos that help learners visualise safe preparation and working skills.
  • Multiple choice knowledge checks at the end of chapters test what has just been learnt and prepare learners for assessment.
  • Language is professional and appropriate for level 3 learners preparing them for the workplace.
  • Candidate Handbook now maps to the City & Guilds Installation, Service and Maintenance of Environmental Technology Systems (2399) qualification.