The Bones of You

by Marie O'Regan

Published 15 October 2015

Twenty-one year old Maddy is exhausted - she's been aware for a long time that she's being pursued by something terrible. She's grown used to hiding, seeking help where she can find it - having lost her mother (the creature's first victim) and father along the way, to the creature now chasing her.

Frank is trying to rebuild his lost love, Elsa, bone by bone - leaving a trail of mutilated bodies in his wake as he seeks the perfect components for his task. Elsa whispers in his ear all the while, goading him and pointing him towards those she feels would be a good `fit'. These are predominantly girls that Frank looks at, and who bear a passing resemblance to Elsa. Between his pain and her jealousy, it's impossible for him to retain his sanity, and his despair and loneliness know no bounds.

Maddy is the closest match to Elsa so far - she is the same height and build, and her bone structure is an almost perfect match. Elsa wants Frank to take Maddy's skull so that he can finally finish her `body' - so that she can take corporeal form at last, using the mis-matched skeleton as a macabre framework to anchor her spirit to this plane once more.

Except that Elsa and Frank's previous victims have other ideas. All along, Maddy's been aware of something helping her, guiding her - now, as she's cornered by her pursuers, that help manifests. Her mother and the other victims of Frank and Elsa aren't prepared to allow them to succeed. Together, they animate the waiting skeleton and exact their own gruesome vengeance on their killers.

Maddy is left alive, but alone - with the promise that, should she ever be in danger, this creature will return to keep her safe.