Monetarist Economics

by Milton Friedman

Published 18 April 1991
"Monetarist Economics" presents the principal papers that Milton Friedman has written for the Institute, which has been the leading exponent of Classical Liberalism in post-war Britain. Freidman's papers provide evidence of the intellectual origins of the changes that have taken place in the political agenda over the past 20 years and the new areas that have been opened up in political economy. The shift in government and public policy in Great Britain in the 1980s has been inspired intellectually by Professor Friedman's writing. "Monetarist Economics" presents evidence to explain why. Professor Friedman has made a significant contribution not only to monetary theory and monetary history (notably in his "A Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960", with Anna Schwartz) but also in the way public policy has been conducted in the United Kingdom and many other Western industrialized countries in recent years as the nostrums of the Keynesian consensus have been abandoned.