This book contains mini-biographies of eighty of the most revered leaders and heroes of the American Civil War. The entries are in alphabetical order and range from Confederates such as Pierre Beauregard, the hero of Fort Sumter, to the legendary Stonewall Jackson - from 'Johnny Shiloh', the little drummer boy, to General Ulysses Grant, 'the Butcher', of the Unionist forces.

Civil War - always the most heartrending experience for any nation. America's was no different, families split, brother fighting brother - but always the overriding sincerity of the cause. There were many bloody conflicts as the two sides fought with determination and purpose. This book looks at over sixty major engagements. They are listed alphabetically and give the background history and then follow the course of the fight. Details of the principal troops and commanders are included with a map of the battlefield. Details of current facilities for visitors are also given.