Cuckoo Rock

by Phil Bowen

Published 1 October 2010

Cuckoo Rock overlooks Magical Valley, the potato caves and Cuckootown. It is the most wondrous, magical place. It is where the Singing Nettles are heard by the Yaffling Tree, where the band Jasper, Jade and Jet play at Sparkling Pond and where The Cuckoo Man comes to meet Ivy from Ivybridge, Cool Julie Dooley plus Bobby Bangle and Billy Bling. It is a place where they all gather to dance and sing.

It is also the place where Zenna the Mermaid and the mysterious Dream Gatherer watch the hilarious Splatfish and amazing electric fish light up the glimmering aqua-marine water.

But darkness is on the horizon. Demonica, the evil Queen of the Demons wants to stop all the fun. Demonica – with her vicious cat Woof, her three threatening ghosts and the gloomy giant Ogre Rock – all cast a menacing shadow over the whole of the valley. And they have plans to make things worse.

What can be done to keep the valley good and not let it all go bad?