Bolt: Plays One

by Robert Bolt

Published 5 April 2001

Includes the plays Flowering Cherry, The Tiger and the Horse and Gentle Jack

We are delighted to be publishing six plays by one of England’s truly great post-war dramatists.Flowering Cherry (1957) depicts the detachment of the dreamer who cannot relate to ordinary office life, while The Tiger and the Horse (1960), a far more intellectual exercise, hinges on whether the wife of an academic should sign a ‘ban the bomb’ petition and thus jeopardise her husband’s career. Bolt shows another side to his considerable talents with the pantheistic parable Gentle Jack (1963).

Plays Two

by Robert Bolt

Published 17 October 2001
In this volume of his works, Bolt develops along more Brechtian lines. Vivat! Vivat Regina! (1970), with its broad historical canvas and skilful theatrical invention, reminded people of the power possessed by the author of A Man for All Seasons. Performed at the National Theatre, State of Revolution (1977) proves his point that Lenin was an admirable man 'possessed by a terribly wrong idea'. The collection includes Bolt's children's play, The Thwarting of Baron Bolligrew (1965).