Book 14


by Scott Ciecin, Dan Jolley, and Scott Ciencin

Published 2 August 2002
A charismatic self-help guru promises she has the key to a perfect world. But it's midnight in the Garden of Eden, and the original evil is after Angel's soul...Lost Angeles is a city divided between the haves and the have-nots, and those that have it seem to have it all: tanned good looks, fit physiques, celebrity, flashy cars, high-tech toys, and then some. It's little wonder that the have-nots tend to get tired of standing on the sidelines...Enter Lily Pierce, a motivational speaker whose New Life Foundation message is sweeping the country. Her mantra is simple: "Erase doubt. Erase fear. Become pure of purpose. Perfect in execution. Attain your dreams." But Lily is guarding a secret of truly mythic proportions. Even Wolfram and Hart -- the sinister law firm whose machinations lie behind much of Los Angeles' evil -- want to stop the rising insanity: and incredibly, they are looking to Angel for help. Can he work with the very people who have tried to hard to destroy him? And is Lily's promise of a perfect world for all who embrace her vision too tempting for Angel to fight against?