Love Your Arteries

by Rob Hicks and Ruth Chambers

Published 22 June 2009
Millions of us want to improve our health and well-being, and there's tons of advice out there to help us; a never-ending avalanche of books, magazines, websites and TV programmes. But who's got the time to wade through this lot to sift the stuff that works from the rubbish? What we need are failsafe short cuts for improving our health and taking care of our hearts. "Love your Arteries" is the indispensable guide to taking care of our tickers, from diet to exercise, lifestyle to leisure. Packed with down-to-earth, simple and effective advice, "Love your Arteries" will help readers make the small changes that will make a big difference to their hearts and their health. We have selected the very best ideas from our database and stripped them down to the absolute essentials to create the "52 Brilliant Little Ideas" series. Love your arteries is compact, inspiring to read and fantastic value. It is simply brilliant.