Java Examples in a Nutshell

by David Flanagan

Published 7 October 1997
This companion volume to "Java in a Nutshell" picks up where that book leaves off, providing a suite of example programs for novice Java programmers and experts alike. It delivers working examples that should help users explore the wide range of what is possible with Java 1.1. Each chapter concludes with programming exercises that suggest further avenues for building on what has been learned. In addition there are programming examples for remote method invocation, database connectivity, and security important elements of the Java Enterprise APIs. Finally, the book offers a glimpse of the features of "Swing", the set of new components that are part of the forthcoming Java Foundation Classes (JFC).


by David Flanagan

Published 4 February 1997
This reference guide to JavaScript, the HTML extension that gives Web pages programming-language capabilities, covers JavaScript as it is used in Netscape 3.0 and 2.0 and in Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.0. The book includes the version of JavaScript shipped with Navigator 2.0, 2.0.1, and 2.0.2, and also the much-changed version of JavaScript shipped with Navigator 3.0. LiveConnect, used for communication between JavaScript and Java applets, and commonly encountered bugs on JavaScript objects, are also covered.