Windows NT Administration Handbook fulfills the network and system administrators' need for expert advice on completing the fundamental tasks that will ensure a trouble-free Windows NT environment. The main purpose of the administrator, in the words of someone who does it, is to increase the productivity of their users by keeping the network up and running optimally. If an administrator can discover and fix problems before their users even find out about them, they're doing a good job. The first two major parts of the book, Administering a Basic Windows NT Environment and Windows NT Administration - Adding Optional Functionality, will provide the foundation for creating the trouble-free environment. The third part, Maintaining a Trouble-Free Environment, will discuss ways to keep that foundation that is laid from crumbling. Part four, NT System Architecture and Managing Risk, will be the basis for planning and building future networks upon a solid foundation. The author will be including in each chapter a section on Best Practices and Recommended Reading. The Best Practices sections consist of advice from the author for making NT implementation as robust as possible.