Book 2

This is the second book in the 'Frog Snoggers' series. The first dealt directly with those issues around developing relationships with those you dislike but need to get along with to achieve your aims and objectives. This second book deals with the true nature of what relationships are, how they differ, develop and change and finally what happens when a relationship comes to an end. Why knicker elasic? All relationships need something to keep them attached - to 'stick' the people together. What is needed is something elastic to accommodate changes, yet strong enough to withstand stress. It needs to vary in thickness, strength and colour to meet various relationship needs. When it finally does break, it needs to release a vast amount of energy. Knicker elastic seemed to fit the bill perfectly. The book takes a searching and careful look at a wide range of relationships, physical, social, emotional, spiritual - to name a few - and examines the good and bad aspects and the way people can adjust their styles to make life more enjoyable, containable and mutually beneficial.
Sean Orford is a qualified psychologist and counsellor, and founder of Network C, a Wrexham-based organisation offering staff support, counselling and training to a number of private and public organisations across the country. Susan Lancaster is a management consultant with many years' experience of consulting for a wide range of organisations.