The Right Side Of The Law

by Wendy Rosnau

Published 1 October 2001

Kristen Harris was desperate to uncover the truth about who she had been before her memory was stolen from her. Her search had led her to the New Orleans waterfront and the most compelling-and perhaps the most dangerous-man she could ever have imagined....

Blu Dufray seemed to know every dark and deadly secret from the French Quarter to the Louisiana bayou country-and every way to stir a woman's deepest desires. And even as he helped her chase away the shadows shrouding her past, he was making her dream of a future-in his arms....

But what if the truth of her past threatened this growing love-and even their very lives...?

A Younger Woman

by Wendy Rosnau

Published 21 November 2003

And then he'd broken her heart. So if it hadn't been for that pesky gunshot wound in her arm, Margo certainly wouldn't have found herself being held captive-for her own good, of course-in his house, his bed, handcuffed to his gorgeous, naked body.

And her body wouldn't have betrayed her at his heated stare, his electric touch, his very presence. She'd still be hating Ryland Archard, instead of hating herself for wanting him-a man who was still too old for her, a jaded cop who kept a .38 Special in his breadbox...and her heart and future in his hands.