From the Ground Up
1 total work
-- Develop JavaBeans with ease -- Step-by-step instructions show you how!Connect JavaBean components to create full-featured applicationsComprehensive coverage of using JavaBeans with RMI, Multicasting, and the JDBC-- The most comprehensive book on JavaBeans available -- covers the topics of JDBC, RMI, and multicasting which competitive titles don't-- Thorough coverage of the basic concepts of JavaBeans and how to use the Bean Development Kit (BDK)-- Hands-on information on how, why, and when to build, link, and distribute the Beans which are designed to be built once and used on any OS or platform-- Author Joe O'Neil is a notable JavaBean developer for Bell Labs, AT&T's prestigious software and hardware laboratory-- Extended coverage includes how Java 1.1 principles interact with JavaBeans, how to internationalize the Beans, use the JDBC, and connect JavaBeans with ActiveX components