For skippers and crews of motor or sailing yachts, this book shows how most emergencies can be avoided by good seamanship, and many others can be anticipated, and so readily brought under control, with the right mental attitude, equipment and procedures - whether facing fire, storm, collision damage or mechanical failure. For situations that do get out of hand, there are step-by-step guides to signalling for help, using lifeboats and lifesaving equipment, and taking measures and actions which will give the search and rescue emergency services the best chance of finding and helping you. The book includes examples, anecdotes and photographs of real-life emergencies at sea.

Skill in predicting conditions at sea, by reading the weather and understanding the many types of forecast currently available, is essential for safety and for plotting a fast course when racing, or an enjoyable passage when cruising. Specially designed for reference afloat, this manual aims to help yachtsmen of both sailing and motor yachts to understand and appreciate their environment. It describes how weather systems develop; the effect of wind and storms on water; how to predict the wind, mists, fog and more extreme dangers; and how to plan a voyage to avoid adverse weather and follow the most favourable conditions.