When Things Fall Apart

by Pema Chodron

Published 24 December 1996
Pema Chödrön's perennially best-selling classic on overcoming life's difficulties cuts to the heart of spirituality and personal growth--now in a newly designed 20th-anniversary edition with a new afterword by Pema--makes for a perfect gift and addition to one's spiritual library.

How can we live our lives when everything seems to fall apart—when we are continually overcome by fear, anxiety, and pain? The answer, Pema Chödrön suggests, might be just the opposite of what you expect. Here, in her most beloved and acclaimed work, Pema shows that moving toward painful situations and becoming intimate with them can open up our hearts in ways we never before imagined. Drawing from traditional Buddhist wisdom, she offers life-changing tools for transforming suffering and negative patterns into habitual ease and boundless joy.

Start Where You Are

by Pema Chodron

Published 24 May 1994
This is a handbook for cultivating fearlessness and awakening a compassionate heart, from bestselling author Pema Chodron. With insight and humour, she presents down-to-earth guidance on how to make friends with ourselves and develop genuine compassion towards others. The book shows how we can "start where we are" by embracing rather than denying the painful aspects of our lives. Pema Chodron frames her teachings on compassion around 59 traditional Tibetan Buddhist maxims, or slogans, such as "always apply a joyful state of mind" and "be grateful to everyone". Working with these slogans and through the practice of meditation, the text shows how we can all develop the courage to work with our own inner pain and discover joy, wellbeing and confidence.

The Places That Scare You

by Pema Chodron and Tami Simon

Published 21 August 2001
Offers advice on uncovering inner wisdom and opening one's heart while refusing to allow resentfulness and fear to block one's inner light.