Firsts, Lasts and Only's: Military

by Ian Harrison

Published 25 September 2007

Jeremy Beadle and Ian Harrison have combined forces to display their extensive knowledge on a series of "Firsts, Lasts and Onlys" trivia books. Chronologically categorised, these books examine the key moments in history when human endeavour has created a breakthrough, a triumphant conclusion or a unique one-time only event. "Military's First, Lasts & Onlys" reveals a compendium of facts, trivia, events and information on key moments in Military history. Further "Firsts, Lasts & Onlys" titles include trivia on Crime, Football and Rugby.


by Ian Harrison

Published 25 September 2007

Jeremy Beadle and Ian Harrison have combined forces to display their extensive knowledge on a series of "First, Lasts and Onlys" trivia books. Chronologically categorised, this book examines the key moments in history when human endeavour has created a breakthrough, or a triumphant conclusion in history. "Crime's Firsts, Lasts & Onlys" reveals a compendium of facts, including trivia on the first train robbery, the last person in England to be imprisoned for denying the existence of God and the only person to be hanged wearing a policeman's uniform. Further, "Firsts, Lasts & Onlys" titles include trivia on History, Military and Sport.