
Barrier Free Travel

by Candy B Harrington

Published December 2005
Learn your disability laws and rights, locate the right travel agent, protect your wheelchair when you travel, and be ready for the changes in security that affect the way you maneuver through airports. All this and much more is available in Barrier-Free Travel, the definitive guide to accessible travel for those who use a wheelchair, walker, cane, or who have other mobility limitations. And, back by popular demand, is a greatly expanded section on cruises, new material on children's travel issues, and global resources. Authored by the editor of Emerging Horizons, the leading travel magazine for people with disabilities, Barrier-Free Travel contains essential logistical information - not just common-sense tips. Because of the uncertainty involved in travel, people who need access accommodations need thoughtful, reliable information, and this one-of-a-kind book delivers it in a clear and engaging way.