The Little Brother's Tale

by Margaret Ryan

Published 16 September 1998

One day Mum asked me if I'd like a little sister. 'No,' I said. 'I've got a big sister and that's bad enough.'

Tom is used to being the centre of attention - but now it's baby Annie's turn. Soon Tom's making plans to win back the limelight - and a family wedding seems like just the right occasion!

The Big Sister's Tale

by Margaret Ryan

Published 16 September 1998

One day Mum asked me if I'd like a little brother. 'No,' I said. 'I'd rather have a pony.' But a few months later I got a little brother anyway.

Kate's never been a big sister before. And she's not sure she wants to start now. As her baby brother Tom grows up, everybody thinks he is sweet - except Kate. Perhaps the family holiday is the time to put him in his place?

The Little Sister's Tale

by Margaret Ryan

Published 16 September 1998

No one asked me if I'd like a big brother or a big sister. Kate and Tom were already part of the Canterbury family when I was born, so I was stuck with them ...

Annie doesn't think it's fair, being the youngest. She gets Kate's old clothes and Tom's old toys. She even has to share her bedroom. But Annie's got a cunning plan ...