Running and Racing

by Lynne Garner

Published 1 October 2005
Physical activity is essential for good health at all ages. Keep on the move with this book which is based on established research and current guidance on child health and fitness. The heart-rate raising activities are easy to fit into your programme, need minimal equipment and are fun for children and adults alike. This book contains more than 50 heart rate raising activities. By using these activities, those who care for and educate children from 3 to 7 can play a part in ensuring that those children have access to physical games that will help them to be healthy. Running and Racing is part of the Fitness and Health strand of the Key Issues series. This series addresses some of the major challenges facing early years settings and primary schools. The aim is to provide sound, clear advice, based on extensive knowledge and supported by the latest research. The emphasis is on improving practice and supporting Every Child Matters.