Paradise Valley

by Jack Curtis

Published 1 May 1992
Sam Paterson and Bobby Campbell rode to Texas to purchase a herd of beeves and bring them back to the Campbell ranch at Paradise Valley. But the deal came to a quick and violent end in San Antonio. In an alleyway, Bobby met his death at the hands of cattle broker, Raven Dermott, who'd set his crooked black heart on taking away the family's rich Colorado ranch. Sam should have known better than to let Bobby handle money on his own. After giving the boy a decent burial, the big cowboy sets off for Abilene to warn Bobby's innocent sister, Ruthie that Dermott is heading her way. She's the only thing between him and Paradise Valley. But in Abilene, Sam finds he's a step behind - Dermott has already conned the girl and they're on the way to the ranch. If Sam can get to Colorado first, he'll make sure Dermott never makes it to Paradise.