Acrylic: Animals

by Toni Watts, Rod Lawrence, and Kate Tugwell

Published 28 April 2016

With comprehensive instruction and artist tips and tricks, Animals is the perfect resource for aspiring artists interested in painting with acrylic.

Animals teaches the aspiring artist everything they need to know to get started painting a variety of animals in acrylic. From choosing paper and brushes to beginning painting techniques to composition and development, this book is bursting with valuable skills and lessons to help beginning artists master this approachable medium.

Talented artists guide the readers through an exploration of the medium and the subject matter, covering basic animal painting concepts and techniques including how to render fur, feathers, texture, and more. Building on these basic techniques, artists can practice their craft with step-by-step projects that cover a variety of animal subjects, including horses, cats, dogs, and more.

With comprehensive instruction and artist tips and tricks, Animals is the perfect resource for aspiring artists interested in painting with acrylic.